Decorative stones for building reconstruction
Interior design, along with commendable exterior design, is one of the biggest challenges a homeowner faces for any part of the home (including the bathroom!). Decision-making is difficult. Many are asked if I am contemporary or modern. Is a granite table better or a marble table? Lashotor marble is better or onyx stone?
Companies with large offices usually farm out this to a professional interior designer, but sometimes they may want to do it independently. It has been said over and over again and I’m sure most of you have experienced it too. You associate your company with the feeling created by its interior design. Interior decoration can influence or create a company. That is why many companies spend millions of dollars researching interior design. And the psychology behind it.
According to experts, the choice of stone is probably the most important factor in the overall feeling and beauty of your home or workplace. Stones have existed for centuries. The ancients asked about stones and believed that they give certain energy. Whether they are right or not, they certainly need to be considered.
Thus, let’s talk today about the most popular stones used in offices and homes around the world. We also delve deeper into the properties, applications, and different methods of using stones.
Granite, marble, onyx, and more!
we want to talk about how we have used this great stone in our homes and offices over the centuries.
Marble This soft stone is used for flooring or countertops. White marble is the most common. Many interior designers recommend that you use white marble for your homes and offices because it has the most original appearance.
Because it is a soft stone, it can be easily cut into various shapes and sizes. Marble is highly customizable and you can use it for almost any purpose. Like a marble staircase that any guest is amazed at.
Granite is an igneous rock and probably the most famous! Granite tables have become the main part of homes. In addition, you have seen some excellent applications of this stone in offices due to its incredible strength, appearance, and durability.
Granite is hard. This unique strength, combined with the extraordinary appearance of granite, makes it a great choice for any home and workplace. Granite is formed after a hard process underground. It creates some amazing color variation.
It is commonly used as a table in kitchens, but what many do not know is that it can be used in your garden paths or anyplace outdoors.
Crushed granite is also sometimes used to add beauty to your garden and make it more in harmony with nature because you can feel the rough surface under your feet instead of a clear and usually dull path.
Quartz flooring has more elasticity than granite and many other surfaces, so it is ideal for the bathroom or even the kitchen floor where there is always a risk of falling.
Quartz slabs are as beautiful as porcelain slabs! The most common colors for quartz are white, black, and usually a combination of both colors – although there are a variety of other beautiful colors. Quartz is very strong, so it has great applications for any surface.
Limestone is one of those materials that you associate with modern beauty. For generations, limestone has been a favorite of builders who see it as a cost-effective yet beautiful option for buildings and homes. The amazing quality of limestone is that you feel connected to the land that surrounds us. The natural variety of limestone allows it to be used anywhere. The overall feel under the feet is always lovely. And colors have a great effect on confirming this feeling.
Sandstone is naturally a non-slip material, so it is wise to install it in a place where you do not want to crash. This stone is very suitable for places that often get water because it can easily withstand it. Sand The stone has little maintenance and is also easily replaceable. It is available in many shades and colors.